It’s Halloween but we “ain’t afraid a’ no ghosts!” We ain’t even afraid of keeping our Halloween costumes, decorations, treats, tricks, and everything else delightfully managed throughout this fun fall season. Why? Because today our trick-or-treat bags contain four helpful Halloween organizing tips.
- Costumes — Pieces and parts and packages and piles. How do you keep everything together so you’ll have a complete costume for each Halloween event your child(ren) will participate in? You start by putting the main costume piece on a hanger. Then gather all it’s parts and pieces and put them in a bag (baggie or whatever size bag you need). Hang the bag over the hanger with the costume and–viola! All costume pieces in one place for all Halloween festivities.
- Pumpkin carving – Don’t want (or don’t have time) to actually carve a pumpkin? Here’s an idea for some ingenious metal pumpkin face parts that you simply press into your pumpkins to create whimsical and/or scary countenances. And the great thing is you can use them again next year and beyond.
- Decorating – Hot on the heels of Halloween is Thanksgiving, so what if we could decorate for both in one foul sweep? Well, we can. Start with a fall wreath on your front door and a few fall decorative items in your entryway—pumpkins, mums, and a few Halloween décor items. (You can pick up inexpensive Halloween decorations from the Dollar store.) When Halloween is over, simply remove the scary décor items, and what is left will carry through to a beautiful Thanksgiving decor.
- Storage – It’s the perfect time of year to purchase orange storage bins for packing up your Halloween and Thanksgiving items. Why does that matter? Because how easy will it be next year to quickly locate your fall decorations and costumes if they’re stored in an appropriately fall-colored bin? You can find orange-colored storage bins in stores now (Target, Walmart, etc.), though most only stock a limited supply, so don’t delay in getting yours before the season ends.
Now go get your spooky on and enjoy a fun—and organized!—Halloween.