Just call me Santa’s helper because I’m sharing several gift ideas to help lessen the levels of clutter in the lives of your friends and family. May these suggestions help the recipients on your list move into the new year with more uncluttered personal space, and in turn, more calmness of mind. Of course, don’t be surprised if you find yourself wishing for one or more of these items as well!
So let’s take out our “naughty or nice” lists and get started. All suggestions, except the last one, can be purchased from The Container Store (how easy is that?). So here, in no particular order, are some of my top organizational gift ideas.
White elfa Mesh Gift Wrap Cart
Now granted, this little cart is a bit more expensive than your average Christmas exchange gift, but I love it so much I just had to share. It stores everything you need AND has a rack for wrapping paper AND a ribbon spool dispenser as well. (Yes, this is one you might want to keep for yourself!)
Walnut 2-Step Wooden Stool
Doesn’t every closet need a step stool? This is a great one. No more struggling to reach those hard-to-reach top shelves when you can easily reach them with this attractive and convenient fold-up stool. And it can be stored right there in the closet, pantry or laundry room—wherever it’s needed. And honestly, because it’s so charming, you won’t care who sees it if it gets left out.
Cedar Hang-Up
They say lavender keeps the bugs away as well as cedar, and this combo totally fits the bill. Hang it in any area where clothing, linens, or blankets are stored, and easily renew the fragrance annually (or whenever you like) by gently sanding the surface.
Premium Stacking Shoe Bin
This is my all-time favorite shoe organizer! The clear plastic allows you to easily view shoe styles in each slot, and the bins conveniently stack. Several can be used on a shelf or simply placed on the floor.
Linen Handbag Storage Bin
How can you not like the clean look of these handbag boxes? They’re generously sized and due to the way they’re designed, they’ll keep handbags from falling over and creating a purse avalanche. Plus, there’s a label on the back of each bin so you’ll know what’s in them no matter which way you store them.
Clear Grid Totes
For the person on your list who could use a little bathroom organization help, how about these cute, clear grid totes? Just put products used daily in them and store them under the sink. No more countertops littered with random items.
Grey Storage Bags
These are great for keeping out the dust, as well as the bugs, not to mention providing a clean, uncluttered storage look wherever you place them, even right out in the open.
Like-It Bricks Makeup Storage
Isn’t it frustrating when you store makeup products in a drawer and they keep falling and sliding around every time you open or close the drawer? Here’s a solution for that. These “bricks” stack, divide, slide, and can also be labeled, and the clarity of the plastic lets you see what’s inside.
Me! Or rather, an Order In The House GIFT CERTIFICATE
The ultimate organizational gift can be the offering of my professional services, and based on client feedback, it just might be one of the most appreciated gifts your friend or family member receives this holiday season. And assisting in organizing homes and home offices, as well as helping someone move or decorate their home for a special occasion, always brings my joy. If you’d like to take advantage of this gift suggestion, please contact me. We’ll discuss services, and after receiving your check, I’ll email a gift certificate good for my services as we have mutually agreed upon. (You might want to tell your significant other about this gift idea and move it to the top of your own wish list!)
Merry Christmas
I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and that you truly enjoy all of your gift-giving experiences with family and friends. And during this special season of giving and receiving, may we all remember this:
No gift is too small to give, nor too simple to receive, which is wrapped in thoughtfulness and tied with love. –L.O. Baird